
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to differentiate the real Network marketing system vs Pyramid scheme or Fast scheme.

All business in this world require PRODUCTS and SERVICES....

real network marketing company need a QUALITY and "SPEAK ITSELF" products ! and its way of payment is fair to his  DISTRIBUTORS !  Distributor takes process and time to achieve their financial freedom ! There is no "super highway" to reach financial freedom  !!!

Foreverliving INCOME PLAN  is real . simple,fair and profitable  based on Monthly and Yearly  Group Sales !
Pyramid scheme =
Top level always have higher income than lower level and their level cannot be replaced  !

Fast scheme
recruit members without SELLING PRODUCTS  and NO SERVICE after SALES + membership fees more than RM100(USD 28.57)  are  Pyramid scheme ! 

YSLM and CDTUP from China is banned by Ministry of Internal Affairs of Malaysia under Anti Pyramid scheme section of Laws !!!!

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