
Friday, August 2, 2013

Work vs Business vs NETWORK MARKETING

I believe many out there have a mindset, higher education is very important to achieve successful in life now and then....

get a good degree,enter big corporate and spent all energy and time to achieve own dreams...
the answer are , how many really achieve that ?????

some think, in order to achieve own dreams need having own business..but facing difficulties of having enough capital to start off business, some fear lack of experience  in business they venture into...

above two is always a mixture of feelings and decision(dilema) ...end up they still work for people !

I discover an answer or so called solution to the above which is involving myself in "e-Network marketing" (e-business) !

e stands for online,  Network = groups of people we knew/freshy, marketing = market and sale our business to them ! but we need a solid, well known platform to achieve that. Which platform to choose is a key to our succeed in our dreams !

to my discover, i found a solid,established global corporate called FOREVERLIVING which involve in WELLNESS  industry

It is a 35 years old  private limited corporate which headquarter reside at Scotsdale,Arizona USA...having own aloe vera plantation, own R&D centre,own nutraceutical centre,  own manufacturing plant, own distribution centre in 150 countries around the globe ! 

WELLNESS = brings health and happiness to mankind and families !

 through  Gel aloe vera from aloe barbadensis miller.....

amazing testimony :

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